古典吧>英语词典>read up on翻译和用法

read up on

英 [riːd ʌp ɒn]

美 [riːd ʌp ɑːn]

熟知; 对…了如指掌


  • He hasn't read up on the background to this project and was very blur at the meeting.
  • I won't go into more detail on hooks here, but if your ambition is to use Git in a team, you should definitely read up on them.
  • I shall have to read up on the subject if I am to give a Tlk about it.
  • Read up on ssh, and install OpenSSH ( a free version of ssh) for secure communications.
  • Further reading: If you're interested in learning additional things about the Nearest Neighbor algorithm, read up on the following terms: distance weighting, Hamming distance, Mahalanobis distance.
  • You probably read up on certain types of endangered species, like some rhinos, tigers or gorillas.
  • Composer has many more features built into it that you can read up on in the documentation.
  • You might not realize it when you send a "leave me alone" message, so read up on How to Look Approachable.
  • Now, we all read up on environmental and social injustice issues from our homes, in the newspapers, and take part in online actions to try to create a change – an important one.
  • You have to read up on the theory and the method and all the rest.